Risk-per-Asset Results
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After fetching data regarding all the tokens we want to list, we came up with the following results, showing an overall mid-high risk profile:
We now have all the data related to the Risk Factors of the Tokens, so we can calculate the Factor-Of-Safety of each token and finally define the CLF and Caps Methodology Approach values for each of them. As previously mentioned, these values will significantly influence the Risk Parameters of each token, as well as the overall risk assessment of the protocol, and therefore the Global Risk Parameters. In this table, we present the results of the calculations obtained:
Please note: in all the cases, Borrow Cap is equal to Supply Cap. Our conservative approach to the Supply Cap calculation everytime triggers the condition that the Borrow Cap is equal to Supply Cap. Please note: Sirio is still not online, so the calculation of LTV of tokens may be a little tricky without tangible data on token amounts deposited. For this reason, we considered a Liquidity-BorrowCap Ratio of 0.25 for safer tokens, with higher Borrow Caps (harder to get a higher ratio ), and a 0.75 for riskier tokens, with lower Borrow Caps (easier to get an higher ratio)